A helpful community member holds up a sign accurately labeling Jeffrey Perrine as a neo-Nazi
Sacramento-area Proud Boy and perennial failed political candidate Jeffrey Perrine is running an overtly neo-Nazi apparel shop, which also appears to be connected to a local Sacramento screen-printing and embroidery shop. Through this shop, he sells merchandise with swastikas, images of Adolph Hitler and other prominent Nazi Party Officials, and other bigoted slogans and symbols. This represents the culmination of Perrine’s decline into more overt neo-Nazi positions over the past year, despite his public persona as a victimized conservative. Perrine is also a vetted member of the White nationalist group White Lives Matter California, and has been active with them in multiple racist and antisemitic propaganda campaigns over recent months.
For a more complete Background on Perrine, please read Sacramento Antifa’s write-up on him here.
Jeffrey Erik Perrine, who posts on telegram as “Unapologeticallywhite”, has a long history of far-right street action. As a Proud Boy, his activity goes back at least as far as 2018. In June of that year, Perrine was part of the Proud Boys’ contingent at the “Battle of Portland”, where he was caught on camera participating in a group assault against an unarmed person who lay on the ground as Proud Boys, including Perrine, kicked them. As an observer tried to intervene, he was attacked as well. Perrine was also recorded that day yelling that immigrants ought to have their heads slammed into concrete, and their children separated from the parents. Although Perrine was detained by police that day, it does not seem like any charges were filed.
At some point after this, Perrine was kicked out of the Sacramento Proud Boys. According to his own telling, he was not disavowed by the organization as a whole though, and was instead taken in by the neighboring Placer County-based “State of Jefferson” chapter. Over the next few years, Perrine bounced around, at one point trying to start his own chapter. It appears that he now identifies with one of the splinters of the former Sacramento chapter. This chapter, “Capital City” is declared a “rogue” by neighboring chapters in part of a rift among Proud Boy chapters that stretches nation-wide.
Taming his appearance
Since his earlier run-ins with notoriety and law enforcement, Perrine has attempted to publicly tame his image. He presents himself as a conservative and “citizen journalist” and often goes to events under the guise of “documenting” for his Youtube channel. He has frequently been interviewed on Conservative channels, where he describes how he has been smeared as a “Nazi” by the left. During this time, Perrine has left indications of his antisemitic beliefs but has generally tried to play them down to give the impression of respectability.

One of Perrine’s campaign signs during his State Assembly primary race in June 2022.
In 2020, Perrine also began a foray into Electoral politics, starting with his placement into the Sacramento GOP Central Committee, a position to which he ran unopposed. After he began to grab attention for this position, the Sacramento GOP expelled Perrine. This did not stop his electoral hopes, though, and in March 2022, he began his primary campaign for California State Assembly in district 7. After accruing less than 6% of the votes for that position, Perrine pivoted to a local election for San Juan School District Board of trustees. While he saw more success in the local domain, Perrine still came in a distant third in that race.
“The Day of the Rope”
In March 2023, right-wing disinformation outlet Project Veritas released surreptitiously-recorded videos attempting to paint a local Placer County pro-LGBT pastor as a child predator. Although the videos showed no actual wrongdoing on the Pastor’s part and subsequent investigations by the local school district confirmed this, local right-wingers pursued a harassment campaign against him, lead by Perrine. Most notably, Perrine twice visited the pastor’s home with a megaphone, yelling about biblical executions as punishment. Off the megaphone, during a conversation with a police officer, Perrine took an aside to the camera to say “The Day of the Rope couldn’t come soon enough, folks”. This marked a turn in some of Perrine’s public dialog, pivoting harder toward overtly neo-Nazi and White Supremacist references and rhetoric.
The “Day of the Rope” is a reference to an event in the notorious fictional book The Turner Diaries. This book was written under pseudonym by William Luther Pierce, leader of the National Alliance, one of the most prominent neo-Nazi groups in US history. The Turner Diaries describes a violent white nationalist uprising in the future United States, and is most notable for inspiring Timothy McVeigh to carry out the Oklahoma City Bombing. Within the book, The Day of the Rope is when the fictional neo-Nazi organization The Order would conduct mass executions of “race traitors” by hanging them from the city lampposts.
This was far from Perrine’s only time dipping his toes into overtly neo-Nazi rhetoric during this period. The following night, Perrine returned to the pastor’s house, where he was arrested for Disturbing the Peace after an incident where he accused a man of brandishing a knife (no knife was found in the area), resulting in the man being pepper sprayed and assaulted by Perrine’s associates. During his arrest, and then again during a live-stream afterward, Perrine referred to the police officers as “ZOGbots”. This is a term that comes out of older White Power movements, and refers to the ZOG, or “Zionist Occupational Government” conspiracy theory, which holds that the US Government is currently under military occupation by foreign Jews. Shortly afterward, at a rally in support of the pastor at a local high school, Perrine yelled at a crowd of mostly teenage students, “Chant more, queers, chant more. It’s all good, the Day of the Rope’s coming one day.”
Overview of the shop
Origins and POYApparel
Antifascists first became aware of Jeffrey Perrine’s merchandising activity through his merch store on POYApparel, a now-defunct Proud Boy-centric marketplace set up by fellow Sacramento Proud Boy Brandon Revering. One of the shops there, Unapologetic Apparel, was immediately recognizable as Perrine’s, due to the use of his screen name in its title. The vendor’s listed phone number also matched the one that Perrine was using on election materials for his doomed State Assembly primary campaign. This store featured mostly merchandise emblazoned with an anti-communist logo that Perrine favors in his designs. One other note-worthy vendor on Revering’s marketplace was a merch vendor named “Cap City”, which sold many designs with the Sacramento Proud Boys logo, alongside several shirt designs featuring homophobic slurs, such as “Don’t be a faggot”
The POYApparel website shuttered after Revering was exposed and antifascists targeted the site with a deplatforming campaign. Perrine continued to sell his merchandise, though primarily through telegram. On January 10, 2023, Perrine created a new merch group, titled “Unapologetic Merch Public Page,” posting, “Made a new page for all my friends and non PBs to join.” Many of the designs from this period consisted of baseball caps embroidered with general right-wing and anti-vax memes. His first hats had a design with the dog-whistly “Pureblood” anti-vax slogan. Others from the early period featured Pepe the Frog, the “angry NPC” meme, or his anti-communist logo. He processes payments through Cashapp using the handle JeffreyErikPerrine.

Many of Perrine’s merch designs feature memes, like a right-wing Hot Topic
In February, Perrine began posting designs that had previously been listed by the “Cap City” vendor in the POYApparel marketplace. These included two designs with the text “Fuck Antifa” and the Proud Boy laurels, and one “Kill Your Local Pedophile” design, the same worn by Ian Kearns when Proud Boys stormed a drag story hour in the Bay Area in May of 2022. All three designs were in black and yellow, Proud Boys colors. On March 11, Perrine’s wife Kimmy, also an admin of the page, posted a link to an Instagram profile for the page.
The page continued along these lines, with Perrine pumping out right-wing meme apparel and his page being a place of general right-wing talk. On April 8, however, Perrine began to push harder into hate-merch territory with several overtly homophobic designs, including one reading “Satan Loves Fags” and a pair in Proud Boys colors with the text “Don’t Be A Faggot”. All of these designs had previously been offered by the Cap City vendor on POYApparel.
The purging of the normies
Perrine broke completely with his optics-priority style on May 4, the day four high-ranking Proud Boys were convicted of Seditious Conspiracy for their roles in the January 6, 2021 attempt to overturn the 2020 election results. Perrine posted several photos of himself with the four, and a video message accusing the US of weaponizing its courts for partisan ends. Group members began responding with anti-semitic messages blaming the verdict on Jews and calling the US a “2 party joo party” system. One called for “a third reich, I mean party in US politics”, and posting a picture of a man with a swastika on his forehead, raising his arm in a nazi salute. Perrine posted a video message agreeing with the “critique” of the two party system and at one point raising his hand and calling Donald Trump “Zionist of the Year”
Jeff began recording a stream of video messages. In one he claims that he soured on Trump after realizing “who his children are married to and who his daughter is married to”. The group member with the Nazi flag in his avatar stated that he liked the chat and that it felt “comphy[sic]” in there. Perrine then uploaded a response video explaining “I have purged almost everyone that doesn’t think like [them]” and that it was a “closed private group” which was “invite-only”. He then said “I’m never going to be overtly out there speaking in a way that can destroy my name […] but I have no qualms talking in person certain ways”
In another video message, Perrine Explains that he had purged several additional members, and that they “should get more guys in here who think like [them]”, as long as they are vetted. “Make sure you do a skin check,” he cautioned, referring to a common practice in many neo-Nazi chatrooms of requiring participants to post a photo of their skin, so that their whiteness can be verified. He then complained that due to a restraining order he “lost all [his] legal weapons” and then, using emojis, wrote that the order was “Total ✡️ bullshit” and the judge “was a gay ✡️”.
Explicit neo-nazi materials

Jeffrey Perrine shares a post from Paul Miller advertising a swastika hat and a shirt featuring Paul Miller on in, which he says Perrine is producing.
At this point, with the flood gates open and his chat (apparently) secured from watchful eyes, Perrine began posting some of his more explicit merch designs. The first was a computer-generated image of Adolph Hitler and several other prominent Nazi officials riding in a swastika-emblazoned car, with the text “White Boy Summer”. He later added a sonnenrad (Or “sunwheel,” an ancient European symbol frequently appropriated by neo-Nazis) to the background of the design. He also shared a post from infamous neo-Nazi troll Paul Miller, (who was briefly out of prison at the time after pleading guilty to three felony weapon charges) wearing a flat-brimmed cap with a swastika embroidered on it and a drawing of Miller in Joker makeup on the shirt. The post tagged Perrine’s telegram account, saying he was making the shirt and hat Miller was wearing.

A “Right Wing Death Squad” hat, posted by Perrine on June 24, 2023
On June 24, Perrine posted a photo of a new product in his merch chat: a black and red hat with the acronym “RWDS” on it. This is an abbreviation for “Right Wing Death Squad”. Though some Proud Boys had previously been documented with patches and other clothing bearing the acronym, this usage is notable for coming after the phrase received widespread mainstream attention when it was worn by a mass shooter in Allen, Texas. That shooter had murdered 8 people at a shopping center on May 6, 2023. In addition to the patch, the shooter was found to have tattoos of a swastika and the insignia of the Schutzstaffel, the Nazi division most responsible for carrying out the holocaust .
“The Jews are now in Control of the Proud Boy Organization”
On Saturday, June 24, Members of the neo-Nazi Active Club, Rose City Nationalists got involved with a physical altercation with members of the Portland Proud Boys outside of Oregon City Pride. RCN is run by a former member of the Portland Proud Boys, so this altercation was more likely the result of interpersonal dysfunction than true ideological disagreement. Regardless, Proud Boys and Active Club neo-Nazis staked out battle-lines and grudges quickly formed where tolerance had existed before. By and large, a rift had formed between the two factions.
![Screenshot from a telegram chat: 🩸 Jöᚢ ᛗäᚱᛋᛏöᚻ 🩸, [Jun 25, 2023 at 6:26:47 PM]: You cool with RR? Unapologeticallywhite, [Jun 25, 2023 at 6:33:08 PM]: I kicked him due to not knowing if he's one of us or not He's a PB President. Couldn't trust it. He's in a chat that is anti white I had to make the call quickly so he didn't blow my cover Scottie BigBalls, [Jun 25, 2023 at 6:35:51 PM]: Smart move Unapologeticallywhite, [Jun 25, 2023 at 6:35:52 PM]: I use PB as a tool for networking](https://defashsac.noblogs.org/files/2023/06/UsePB-300x206.jpeg)
Perrine explains that he “couldn’t trust” the President of a different Proud Boy chapter, and that he simply uses Proud Boys for networking.
In another video, Perrine remarks, “The Jews are now in control of the Proud Boy Organization, the three percent organization. They’ve infiltrated like they do everything.” Later in the video, he claims, “[Jews] have convinced the world that Nazis are evil people. And who are Nazis? Nazis are people who believe in family, traditional values, apparently.” This represents a significant break with Perrine’s (soon to be?) former organization. He admits that the Proud Boys are only useful to him as networking to sell merch.
We have been informed that Cap City Tees and Embroidery have cut all ties with Jeffrey Perrine and Unapologetic Apparel, and will not be taking further business from them. The following section has been retained for posterity. Please read on below for more info on Perrine’s connections to white nationalist groups.
Connections to Cap City Tees and Embroidery

A comparison of the Cap City Tees (left) and Unapologetic Apparel (right) Shopify stores.
In addition to Perrine’s Telegram and Instagram pages, he also has a web storefront through Shopify–Unapologeticapparel.shop–which has been in a partially-completed state for over a month as of this writing. This partial completeness reveals some interesting things about the page, however. The Privacy Policy , Shipping Policy, and Terms of Service all make reference not to “Unapologetic Apparel” as the name of the business, but rather “Cap City Tees and Embroidery”. The Privacy Policy additionally lists an address for Cap City Tees and Embroidery, which matches that listed in filings with the California Secratary of State’s “Bizfile” system. The Privacy policy also lists a shopify URL, which is currently inactive. A Google cache of that URL, however, shows an about page with identical verbiage to that used by Unapologeticapparel.shop. The Unapologeticapparel.shop website appears to be a direct copy of the Cap City Tees Shopify store, with updated branding.

Left and right: Photos from Cap City Tees’ Instagram page, posted 7/25/20. Center: Posted to Perrine’s merch chat, 4/29/23, showing matching gray curtains, brickwork, and embroidery machine.
Furthermore, the background from one of Perrine’s merch images matches the interior shown on Cap City Tees’ Instagram page. This includes a brick wall and gray curtain, as well as an embroidery machine which appears to be the same model shown in both images. Additionally, one photo that Perrine posted of his “White Boy Summer” merch design shows the shirt draped over a pile of boxes. One box has the words “Cap City” written in sharpie on it. Another box features the logo of Empire Safety and Supply. The labelled cabinets match those seen in other photos inside Cap City Tees and Embroidery. Unapologeticapparel.shop seems not only to have directly copied the website of Cap City Tees and Embroidery, but also have their designs produced at the shop.

One of Perrine’s White Boy Summer shirt designs sitting on a stack of boxes with labels for Cap City Tees and Empire Safety and Supply.
Cap City Tees business relationships
Cap City Tees and Embroidery, the company linked to production of the Swastika hats, pro-Hitler shirts, and other neo-Nazi merch that Perrine sells through his online channels, appears to be run out of a residential address in Sacramento. On their website, Cap City Tees boasts several large industrial and corporate customers, including Sacramento Regional Transit, SFMTA, and the California Conservation Corps. This is likely due to a business relationship with Empire Safety and Supply, a safety supply company out of Roseville. Multiple photos showing the inside of Cap City Tees show boxes bearing the markings of Empire Safety and Supply. Rob Crawford, Chief Operations Officer and Production Manager for Cap City Tees, also works for Empire in Inside Sales. Crawford, whose position implies oversight over all merchandise produced through Cap City Tees, has several right-wing interests on his Facebook profile, including far-right propaganda outlet Breitbart and the Daily Wire, the Ben Shapiro-founded outlet responsible for pushing much of the current anti-trans moral panic.
This relationship gives the small Print shop access to much larger customers in need of bulk branded Hi-Viz vests and other work-wear. Other clients that Cap City Tees has worked for, again likely through Empire Safety and Supply, include Schimmick, Performance Contracting, Inc., F. D. Thomas Inc., Bogle Family Vinyards, Long Beach Energy Resources, Concrete Value Corp, Placer County Water Agency, Turner Construction, and Sunworks Solar Power, and the Don Pedro Power Tunnel Project. This also means that Empire Safety and Supply is also (likely unwittingly) a major enabler of neo-nazi fundraising efforts in the Sacramento region, by propping up the print shop that is linked to the production of this nazi merchandise.
WLM California
In addition to running his neo-Nazi merch shop, Perrine is a vetted member of California chapter of overtly white nationalist group “White Lives Matter”. WLM advocates for the removal of People of color in the US to convert the countries of Europe, North America, and Australia into exclusively-white ethnostates, with no more than 1% made up of people of color “for purposes that serve the interests of White People – this includes tourism and trade.” The California chapter of White Lives Matter also made a practice of requiring new additions to the chat to recite the “fourteen words”–a white power slogan coined by white supremacist David Lane while serving a prison sentence in connection with the murder of a Jewish radio host.

Perine (right), along with Ryan Messano and three white nationalists associated with WLM and Norcal Active Club at a Sacramento City Counil meeting on May 25.
Jeffrey Perrine has joined in WLM-CA’s activities on multiple occasions. On May 23, 2023, Perrine joined a group of three other members of WLM-CA and local antisemitic loser Ryan Messano at the Sacramento City Council meeting–a city he does not live in. While he was not able to speak in person after the council closed the chamber due to disruptions associated with the presence of the white nationalists, Perrine did call in later that night to support his antisemitic compatriots. Perrine has consistently called in to address the Sacramento, Walnut Creek, and Sonoma city councils, mostly to deliver inane comments for clout from online neo-nazis like Jon Minadeo of the troll outfit Goyim Defense League.
On Shortly after midnight on the morning of June 19, 2023, there was a coordinated flyering campaign in several locations in Sacramento to promote a neo-nazi propaganda film, antisemitic literature from the Goyim defense league, and WLM promotional materials. A few days prior, on June 16, 2023, Perrine left a voice message in his telegram merch chat saying, “I’m going to be doing a fuckin’ flyer drop for Defiant and GDL on Sunday. So I’m getting excited, Brother”. Perrine later replied to twitter posts regarding the flyers by challenging the poster to refute the antisemitic claims made.

Jeffrey Perrine with members of white nationalist groups Patriot Front, WLM California, and Norcal Active Club, harrassing a children’s pride event in Rancho Cordova.
On June 24, 2023, Perrine joined a group of approximately 14 members of White Lives Matter, Norcal Active Club, and Patriot Front to harass a children’s pride event in Rancho Cordova. Members yelled at children at the event to kill themselves. This was the second year in a row that WLM California had attempted to disrupt the event, after they had been joined by members of the Sacramento Proud Boys the previous year. After the event, Antifascists were able to follow the white nationalist group to their cars. The white nationalists then retreated down a side-road until police arrived, despite an overwhelming numerical advantage.
Jeffrey Perrine has long been a source of bigotry and violence in the Sacramento area. But his ability to curate his public image in the face of more moderate right-wing media has won him attention, presenting him as the public face of the Proud Boys, and “proof” that they aren’t the evil nazis that the left makes them out to be. He has run for office multiple times, winning mainstream attention if not electoral victories. But this image that Perrine cultivated was a lie. Jeffrey Perrine is an overt neo-nazi, as antifascists have long warned that he was. He is also a two-faced liar, presenting himself in different circles exactly as he needs to to get what he wants out of those circles. Pathetic and vacant as the man may be, though, his efforts harm our communities and for that reason we deem it necessary to expose him.
Action Items:
You can help keep our community safe from neo-nazi bigots by helping out with the following actions:
- UPDATE: Cap City Tees has stated that they have cut all business ties with Jeffrey Perrine and will not be accepting any future business from him.
Contact Cap City Tees by email or phone (916-476-3841) and demand they cease all business relations with neo-Nazi Jeffrey Perrine and Unapologetic Apparel immediately. We recommend that you take precautions with your identity because we cannot be sure of Cap City Tee’s motivations. - Contact Shopify and ask them to terminate any business relationship with neo-nazi Jeffrey Perrine and his shopify site, unapologeticapparel.shop.
- Contact cashapp and ask them to terminate any business relationship with neo-nazi Jeffrey Perrine, who is using their service to process payments for merchandise explicitly promoting nazi ideology and right-wing violence. Perrine’s cashapp account is $JeffreyErikPerrine. He has also previously used the account $ThePrudentPatriot
- Jeffrey’s wife Kimmy Perrine, who is an admin of Perrine’s neo-nazi telegram channel and intimately involved in the merch sales, is an esthetician at Beauty Exhange Inc. Please Contact Beauty Exchange at their email, Facebook, or Instagram to inform them of Kimmy’s neo-nazi affiliations and kindly request that they terminate any business relationships with her. You can also leave reviews directly on Kimmy’s Facebook Page to warn any potential customers about her associations.